Starting a Blog

less than 1 minute read

As is seemingly more common in our field of Astrophysics, I am working on making the transition to Data Science. As part of the learning process for me and information for others I have decided to start a blog detailing my experiences, projects, and thoughts.

Coming soon will be a post on my thoughts on the TDWI Data Science Bootcamp, writing an MCMC in R, and a few posts on some analysis that I've done on crime and police shooting data.

{: .notice--info} Update October 8, 2017: Ok that didn't work out so well. It turns out that searching for jobs and moving across the country is quite a lot of work. However, I'm back now, nearly a year after starting this Blog, to try again. Expect some content from me soon...

{: .notice--info} Update January 3, 2021: LOL, well here I am again. It turns out that I mainly worked on this website in order to get a job. Well, I have a good job now and figured I should get back at it. Hopefully there will be more posts from me soon...


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