Continuous Integration of Hugo Website using Travis CI and Github.

3 minute read

{: .notice--info} For this post I am specifically dealing with a personal website hosted with Github, not a project website that can be placed in a gh-pages branch.

I recently switched my website over from Jekyll to Hugo. Honestly, I don't know if I like it better yet. One thing that is definitely harder with Hugo than with Jekyll is getting your site to generate content automatically when pushed to Github, so I set out to solve this problem.

I'm a huge fan of automating build processes. For instance, I don't want to have to run a script before I git push my content because, in all likelihood, I will forget and my website (or documentation, etc.) will be outdated from the content in the Github repo. There are a few resources that go over how to set up a Hugo website on Github, here and here are a few examples. While helpful, these resources are either over complicated or don't really work with personal Github pages (i.e. For some reason, when making a personal Github site you can't do the normal tricks like using a gh-pages branch or have your website be built from a docs/ folder on your master branch. No, here Github expects the relevant content to be right in the root directory in your master branch.

When you build your website with hugo, it creates a public/ directory that stores the website source. One option is to just copy that material into the root of the master branch and commit it, but then you end up with a messy repo and I can't abide that. Furthermore, with this solution you will have to run hugo before every push. So, as usual, Travis CI comes to the rescue.

The Solution

For this post, I will assume that you have a repo with your Hugo material. That is, you have a config.toml file and folders content/, static/ and themes/. To start, you will push this material to a your Github repo for your site; however, don't push this to the master branch but instead to a branch named "hugo". You can do this with git checkout -b hugo and git push origin hugo after you have added the material. Now, on Github go to "Settings" and click on "Branches". From here, set your default branch to "hugo". Then go to "Integrations & Services" and add Travis CI.

In a similar manner to a previous post, you will need to log in to Travis with your Github account and enable builds for your repository. You will also need to create a personal access token. Copy this token and go to the settings page of your repo on travis and add set

  1. GITHUB_API_KEY: set to the personal access token you just created.
  2. GITHUB_USER: set to your Github username.

OK, now that we have Travis set up lets create the .travis.yml file:

language: python

    - wget
    - sudo dpkg -i hugo*.deb
    - pip install Pygments

    - hugo

after_success: |
    if [ -n "$GITHUB_API_KEY" ]; then
    git checkout --orphan master
    git rm -rf .
    mv public/* .
    rm -rf public hugo_*
    git add -f --ignore-errors --all
    git -c'travis' -c'travis' commit -m init
    git push -f -q https://$GITHUB_USER:$$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG master

Add this file to your "hugo" branch and we are good to go. Lets now go over this file a bit. Firstly, for some reason sudo apt-get hugo isn't working on Travis CI, so I download the source and install with dpkg. We also install Pygments (a syntax highlighter) with pip. By running hugo we now have all of our website material in a directory called public/. The git checkout --orphan master command creates a new master branch with no history. We then move the material from public/ into the root of the master branch, add it, and push. If all goes well, you should now have a nice Hugo website at Furthermore, you will have your Github repo nice and clean by keeping your Hugo code and Markdown source in the "hugo" branch while keeping all of your generated HTML in the "master" branch.

Final Thoughts

This procedure is somewhat standard with a major difference being that we are using "hugo" as our default branch and creating our site on the "master" branch. I'll also note that there may be a more optimal way of doing this but since I have some experience using Travis CI to automate other things, I figured this may be useful.


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